Monday, November 27, 2023

Rahvusvahelise koostööprojekti "Planeeti B pole" tulemusena valminud metoodilised materjalid/Methodological Materials Developed as a Result of the International Collaboration Project ' There is No Planet B.'"



EST: Taustainfo: Käesolevad ideed, esitlused, materjalid on valminud Eesti-Leedu koostööprojekti "Planeeti B pole" tulemusena. Loodame, et need on inspiratsiooniks teistele haridustöötajatele.

ENG: Background Information: The ideas, presentations, and materials presented here have been developed as a result of the Estonian-Lithuanian collaboration project "No Planet B." We hope that these serve as inspiration for other educators.

Projekti nimetus: „There is no planet B“ (Planeeti B pole)

Partnerid: Lazdijai lasteaed-kool „Pääsuke“ (Leedu)

Projekti kestvus: 2022/2023 õppeaasta

Toetaja/Fond: Nordplus junior, NPJR-2022/10136

Projekti eesmärgid ja tegevused:

Projekti põhiteemaks on jätkusuutlik areng ning kuidas õpetada lastele säästlikku ja rohelist mõtteviisi, mis soodustaks arengut, mis parandab inimeste elukvaliteeti kooskõlas loodusvarade ja keskkonna talumisvõimega.

Projekti raames tugevdatakse koolidevahelist koostööd projekti teema valdkonnas: tutvustatakse meetodeid, mida koolides kasutatakse rohelise mõtteviisi toetamiseks ja  arendamiseks, korraldatakse 2 õpirännet eesmärgiga vahetada kogemusi ja analüüsida tegevusi, koostatakse virtuaalne kogemuste raamat, milles kajastuvad projekti tegevuste analüüs ja kasutatavad meetodid neljas keeles: eesti, leedu, inglise, vene, arendatakse koostööd õpilaste vahel, planeeritakse edasisi ühiseid projekte.

Projekti tegevused:

Õpetajate ränne1: Sillamäe Vanalinna Kooli õpetajate õpiränne Lazdijai lasteaed-kooli„Pääsuke“ (Leedu)  15.-21.08.2022

Koolisisiene töö: meetodite katsetamine, projektitoote ettevalmistamine (virtuaalne kogemuste raamat), virtuaalne koostöö koolide vahel

Õpetajate ränne 2: Lazdijai kooli õpetajate õpiränne Sillamäe Vanalinna kooli, august 2023


Project Title: "There is no Planet B" (Planeeti B pole)
Partners: Lazdijai Kindergarten-School "Pääsuke" (Lithuania)
Project Duration: Academic Year 2022/2023
Supporter/Fund: Nordplus Junior, NPJR-2022/10136
Project Objectives and Activities:
The main theme of the project is sustainable development and how to teach children an eco-friendly and green mindset that promotes development in harmony with natural resources and environmental resilience.
Within the project, inter-school collaboration in the project's thematic area is strengthened. Methods used in schools to support and develop a green mindset are introduced. Two learning mobilities are organized to exchange experiences and analyze activities. A virtual experience book is compiled, reflecting the analysis of project activities and methods in four languages: Estonian, Lithuanian, English, and Russian. Collaboration between students is enhanced, and future joint projects are planned.
Project Activities:
Teacher Mobility 1: Learning mobility of teachers from Sillamäe Vanalinna School to Lazdijai Kindergarten-School "Pääsuke" (Lithuania) from August 15 to 21, 2022.
In-school work: Testing methods, preparing a project product (virtual experience book), virtual collaboration between schools.
Teacher Mobility 2: Learning mobility of teachers from Lazdijai School to Sillamäe Vanalinna School in August 2023.


1. Teema: Rannaleidude kasutamine õppeprotsessis

2. Taaskasutus õppeprotsessi korraldamisel

3. Õuesõpe kui viis õpilaste ja õpetajate holistilise tervise hoidmisel



  1. Theme: Using Seaside Finds in the Learning Process

    • Description: Introduce various teaching methods to integrate seaside finds into the learning process across different subjects. For example, in a math class, you can explore the dimensions of stones, or in a biology class, study marine life.
    • Activities: Collecting seaside finds, analyzing their dimensions, color, and texture; creative projects with seaside finds in art classes.
  2. Reuse in Organizing the Learning Process

    • Description: Introduce principles of reuse and how they can be applied in organizing the learning process.
    • Activities: Implement projects or assignments that emphasize reusing materials, explore environmental impacts, and encourage creative thinking about resource conservation.
  3. Outdoor Learning as a Way to Preserve Holistic Health for Students and Teachers

    • Description: Explore the benefits of outdoor learning for holistic health, considering both students and teachers. Highlight the positive impact of nature on well-being and how outdoor education can contribute to a healthier learning environment.
    • Activities: Plan outdoor lessons, nature walks, and activities that promote physical and mental well-being for both students and teachers.

Teema: Rannaleidude kasutamine õppeprotsessis (ESTONIAN/ENGLISH) 

Using Seaside Finds in the Learning Process 


Rannakivid magnetideks/ Seastones as magnets:

Merekividest lauamäng! Võta reisile kaasa!/ The small board game for travelling with friends from seastones

Sillamäel sa saad tellida õpilaste jaoks õuesõppe programmi Inimene ja meri -Sillamäe ranna leiud"Inimene ja meri – Sillamäe ranna leiud"

Programmi tegevused toimuvad rannikul. 
Tutvumine paigaga, Läänemere rannikuala loomastiku- ja taimestikuga tutvuminemängud.
Mereranna leidude otsimine ja määramine:
Õppilased jagatakse paaridesse ja neile antakse tööleht- bingo „Ranna leiud“ Vastavalt töölehele otsivad lapsed selleks määratud rannaalal erinevaid leide: kivisid, loomadega seotud leiud, taimedega seotud leiud, kivistised ja inimtekkelisi asju/esemeid.
Seejärel kogunetakse rannale laotatud lina ümber, paarid esitavad oma leide ning asetavad leiu vastava sedeli juurde linale. Nii valmib laste leidudest süstematiseeritud “näitus”. Valitakse välja üks kõige huvitavam ese, mille kohta koostatakse lugu, kuidas võis see randa sattuda.

In Sillamäe, you can order an outdoor learning program for students called "Human and the Sea - Discoveries on the Sillamäe Beach." The program activities take place on the coast:
Introduction to the area, exploring the fauna and flora of the Baltic Sea coastal area, and games.
Searching for and identifying seaside discoveries:
Students are paired and given a worksheet - "Beach Discoveries Bingo." Following the worksheet, children search for various finds in the designated beach area: stones, animal-related discoveries, plant-related discoveries, fossils, and human-made things/items.
Then, they gather around a spread-out sheet on the beach, pairs present their findings, and place each discovery next to the corresponding description on the sheet. This way, a systematic "exhibition" is created from the children's discoveries. The most interesting item is selected, and a story is created about how it might have ended up on the beach.


Reuse in Organizing the Learning Process
  • Description: Introduce principles of reuse and how they can be applied in organizing the learning process.
  • Activities: Implement projects or assignments that emphasize reusing materials, explore environmental impacts, and encourage creative thinking about resource conservation.

Imed vanadest ajalehtedest
Miracles from the old newspapers:


EMOTSIOONIDE GALERII/ The Gallery of Emotions

Upcycling old cardboard to create an emotion gallery. Objectives: Teach expressing emotions through creativity and upcycling.

Outdoor Learning as a Way to Preserve Holistic Health for Students and Teachers

  • Description: Explore the benefits of outdoor learning for holistic health, considering both students and teachers. Highlight the positive impact of nature on well-being and how outdoor education can contribute to a healthier learning environment.
  • Activities: Plan outdoor lessons, nature walks, and activities that promote physical and mental well-being for both students and teachers.

Every year we do "Empty Classroom day" and lead lessons outside.

Some ideas:

For example, in history classes for 7th graders, students delved into the history of their hometown, explored its connections to different eras, and studied the structures and historical landmarks of the city.

Art lessons combined the study of the topic 'Linear Perspective' with physical activities in the city park.

During one of the literature classes, students explored the works of writer Gorky, after whom one of the city streets is named. They completed outdoor assignments related to studying the author's biography and his literary works. Another class recalled and recited nature poems outdoors.

In Estonian language classes, new words were reinforced through active outdoor games. Students discussed waste sorting and the city's waste management system. In the lower grades, through active games, they reviewed adverbs, invented fairy tale plots, and staged their own performances.

In environmental science and biology classes, students acquainted themselves with landscapes and reliefs, studied plant shoots, and reinforced their knowledge through practical activities!

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